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April 11, 1958

Dear Admiral Strauss:
I understand that four American citizens have sailed from
California for the Marshall Islands in a small vessel known

as the "Golden Rule", with a view to interrupting our forthcoming
atomic tests at Eniwetok,

Groups in other countries are following the progress of the

"Golden Rule" and 1f they conclude that the United States would
not take timely steps against the "Golden Rule", it is likely
they, too, would set forth to join with the Americans headed

for the test area,

Such action by vessels of other nations would

On the other hand, I understand that there is little
likelihood that vesseis from other nations would be deliberately
sailed into the test area if the United States were to make clear
promptly that it did not intend to permit interference with the
tests by its citizens,

In the interests of the United States, I, therefore,

believe that the public should be promptly informed that the
Commission willl utilize the authority at its disposal to prevent
our citizens from interfering with the conduct of the forthcoming tests,
Sincerely yours,

John Foster Dulles
The Honorable
iewis L, Strauss
“naizman, Atomic Energy Commission


give rise to serious international problems,

Select target paragraph3