
Joint Task Foree SEVEN (JTF SEVEN), commanded by Major General P. W.

Clarkson, U.S. Army, was formerly Joint Task Force 132 and was redesignated as
JTF SEVEN on 1 February 1953.

The Commander, Joint Task Force SEVEN (CJTF SEVEN),

was designated by the Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) as the senior
representative of the AEC at the Pacific Proving Grounds on 15 December 1953.


command post was opened on Parry Island, Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands, at

1712002, January 1954 and was closed at 170001Z, May 1954.

Seven detonations had been scheduled when the task force arrived in the

Pacific Proving Grounds.
actually detonated,

Five of the original seven, plus one substitute, were

In conjunction with these detonations, scientific and weapons

effects experimental programs were conducted,

This report describes the weapons

and devices and presents preliminary conclusions which can be drawn from early

analysis of available data.

More definitive conclusions will appear in technical

reports to be published at a later date.

This report covers, in summary, the

operational, security, commmications, logistical and fiscal aspects of JTF SEVEN.
Detailed information regarding these subjects will be included in the History of
Operation CASTLE, to be completed by 31 July 1954.

The CASTLE Film Report will be

completed and prints forwarded on or about 31 July 1954.


The planning date of 1 March 1954 was established for detonation of the

first shot in accordance with JCS 2179/53.

The report by CJTF SEVEN to the

Executive Agent dated & January 1954 stated that the task force was prepared to
conduct its first test al schedule, 1 March 1954.
The shot schedule as of 1 March 1954 was:


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