
As during IVY, the task force commander was provided a fund for defraying

expenses over and above those normally incurred by the military Services in support of the operation,

This fund was included in the regular Army budget under

the appropriation Maintenance and Operations,

It was used for task force opera-

ting expenses such as travel and temporary duty, transportation, modification of
ships and aircraft, procurement of special equipment not common to the military

Services and radiological safety equipment and supplies required for protection of
the command.

Allocations were made direct to the task force commander as chief of

an operating agency and allotments were made by him, as required, to task groups

and other interested agencies.

As of 30 April 1954, a total of $4,198,347.78 was

obligated for operational expenses of the task force.

Direct expenses of the DOD scientific programs were funded by the Chief,

Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (AFSWP) out of the appropriation Research and
Development, Army.

Projects of all three military Services were financed in this

manner, after evaluation and correlation by the Chief, AFSWP.

Total obligations

against research and development funds as of 31 March 1954 amounted to 33,859,000.

There are attached, as Appendices K and L, statements showing amounts

approved and recorded obligations in operational and scientific funds.

Overall costs of the operation in terms of capital costs and operating

costs were computed from reports submitted by participating agencies of the military Services, the AEC and other government agencies.

total reported cost was $88,223,793.

As of 31 March 1954, the

A detailed statement is provided as Appendix

A final cost report showing costs accumulated for the entire operation will

be disseminated at a later date.


Select target paragraph3