
The first group ef observers made the trip to the forward area,

observed midis..: returned in seven days.

As a result of unfavorable wea-

ther conditions the next two shots were delayed, resulting in many of the most
important observers being forced to return without witnessing detonations.


preclude these undesirable delays and to insure a fixed schedule for future
flights, CJIF SEVEN, with the approval of the AEC and DOD, arranged for the cancellation of the four remaining special air mission flights and the substitution of
two observer flights to depart and return on specified dates without regard to the
shot schedule,


Security activities were conducted in accordance with applicable AEC

and DOD regulations and directives.

Headquarters, JTF SEVEN, published security

memoranda to provide specific instructions for the task groups in such matters as
personnel clearance, security indoctrination, badge identification and security

These memoranda were further augmented by posters displayed in offices

and public places.

A movie program consisting of security talks by senior comman-~

ders and security shorts was presented in conjuntion with the recreational movie


By decision of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on 1, April 1954, the provi-

sions for CJIF SEVEN to report to the Commander in Chief, Pacific (CINCPAC) for
movement control and general security with respect to the task force and Eniwetok
toll was breadened to include Bikini Atoll,

The Eniwetok~Bikini area of opera~

tions was closed to all vessels, aircraft and personnel except those participating
in the operation and access to the area was controlled by the provisions of CINCPAC
letter, Serial 020, dated 1 April 1952.

Coordination was maintained with the Federal Bureau of Investigation

(FBI); Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), U.S. Army; Criminal Investigation Divi-

sion (CID), U.S. Army; Office of Special Investigations (OSI), U.S. Air Force and
Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), U.S. Navy, in all areas in which elements of
the task force operated,

Security aspects for such activities as the shipment of

weapons and device compcnents to and from the forward area required close



LANL, J-Div,


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Select target paragraph3