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Public Affairs Guidance Regarding Bikini Atoll (u)

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Public Affairs Situntion: A Departmont of the Interior news releaso
(reforence 1,d,) doseribes tho gonoral nature, history, responsibilitics
and intentions of the project to rohabilitate Bikini and return the
atives to the atoll, The October 18 issue of Life magazine carried an
illustrated article on the subject, U., S, television had feature coverage in December 1968, and the two major Honolulu newspapers have had
stories on the project, the most recent being in the 29 January Honolulu

Star-Bulletin under a Saipan dateline, moved by the Micronesian News
Service, which stated that the project had begun.

Department of the Interior on the subject,
Commencement of work appcars
likely to arouse further press interest.
Holmes and Narver, the enginecring contractors, have begun hiring in Honolulu and on the U, 5S, West
Equipment from the West Coast commenced movement on 31 January
in USS BELLE GROVE, and additional personnel and equipment from Hawaii

and Johnston Island sailed on 12 February,

The advance party of about

39 mon with their equipment will land on Bikini about February 18.
(There will be no air access until this party can prepare the airstrip.)


With the above background emerging, discussions of means of
handling public affairs matters have taken place in Washington and
Mr, Charles Boatner, Director of Public Affairs for the
Department of the Interior, is understood informally to favor open public access to the project, subject, of course, to limitations imposed by
the remoteness of the atoll and the austere conditions under which the
work will be done, and also subject to necessary protection of any
aspects which might be considered sensitive.
CINCPAC PAO, in conference
with DASA PIO in Honolulu February 4, expressed support for a Bikini
public affairs program that would inform Micronesia and the world of
U. S, actions in behalf of Bikinians.
In the latter connection the
gencral plans for a Micronesian plebescite are pertinent, as are JCS
Memorandun to Secretary of Defense (JCSM 441-68 of 11 July 68) and

Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum dated 31 July 68, in reply, which

concern the importance of DOD support of measures to generate favorable
Micronesian response when such a plebescite occurs,

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Additional factors will bear upon the public affairs situation

once the advance party has landed,

Permission to visit the project

during the AEC/DOD phase will be retained by Commander Joint Task Force

8, subject further to CINCPAC area clearance,
continue to be difficult at best.

Access to Bikini will

Capability to support visitors will |

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NBC has expressed

interest in making a documentary of the project, and BBC has approached

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