-9during the interview and he stated that he felt the interchange of questions and
answers went well and that no major controversies could result from a review of

the film.

The Associate Producer of the program was Mrs. Leslie Cockburn.


asked me if she could contact me again when I returned to New York, to discuss

the program in more depth.

She stated that she had previously had several long

conversations with Dr. Conard.
- III.

He had informed me of some of those meetings.
Ship Performance -

On September 21, the ship sailed from Kwajalein with a full complement of
medical party personnel.

Every berth on the ship was occupied and one Marshallese

translator was sleeping on a mattress in one of the examining rooms.

We left

the dock at 1300 and were steaming north for Rongelap when we were ordered to
reverse course and return to Meck Island and to remain there until released for
further steaming.

Apparently the ship at that time was in the impact zone of

an incoming missle.

The ship therefore steamed back to Meck Island, arriving

at 2200 and held in that position until 0200 when we were cleared and resumed our
trip to Rongelap.

On checking with Keith Coberley, the master of the vessel, he

indicated that he had very carefully checked with range control on the day of
our departure and had indicated our 1900 D.R. position.
a safe position and we could continue without difficulty.

He was told that this was
Our 1900 position on

the day of departure was actually further north than we had originally predicted
and we should have therefore been well clear of the danger area.

Upon returning

to Kwajalein, I immediately contacted range control and discovered that the
mistake had been made by range control and not the ship or the captain.
entirely correct in all of his procedures.

12 hours late in reaching Rongelap.

He was

The result, however, was that we were

During this period of time the ship was in

moderate seas and because of its round bottom configuration and its tendency to
roll and pitch excessively, practically every member of the medical party was

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