
Cy Belin


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Shortly after we arrived at Ebeye, I was approached by Mr. Joe Saul, a
member of our study group who was a Health Aide at Eniwetak Atoll.

He had

traveled to Kwajalein and to Ebeye in response to Harry Brown's message and
was again asking for reimbursement for per diem subsistance and transportation.
However, he was carrying a different message with an entirely different per diem
rateof $10.00/day (Enclosure 5).

He showed me this message and inquired why

his rates were differentfrom the rat€

paid to the people from Majuro.

I told

him that I could not understand the rationale, but within 3 days a representative
from the Department of Energy would arrive in Kwajalein with funds to pay the
per diem claims and that he should take the matter up with the representative at
that time.
At this point I would like to emphasize the fact that in my preplanning letter

(Enclosure 6) for this survey, I had strongly urged the PASO office to provide a
DOE representative for the entire trip.

While in Honolulu I discussed this

matter with the PASO staff and after a discussion with Bruce Wachholz and Bill

Stanley, Bill agreed to accompany the survey.

However, when I arrive at Kwajalein

i received a message (Enclosure 7) that Bill Stanley would be unable to make it

and that Ted Murawski, a Holmes and Narver employee, who had worked as the DOE/DNA
coordinator on Kwajalein, would be the substitute.

Again, during the examination

of patients on Ebeye, a large percentage of my time was spent in explaining to
people why they had not received their per diem money and attempting to take care
of their housing and financial needs.

On Thursday, Mr. Murawski arrived with no funds and a family from one of the
outlying islands was forced to ask for food and shelter from one of their friends

until the PASO repfesentative could provide them with sufficient money.


Murawski calleYHonolulu and had funds authorized and on the following day began

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