Enclosure 2

Radio announcement requested by Harry Brown.

This is copied from Carmen

Bigler's files.

This announcement is for the people of Rongelap and Utirik.


medical team is scheduled to provide physical exams, dental and pediatric
work on Majuro, Ebeye, Rongelap and Utirik. gfor those people who want to |

be examined’ and Yive on other islands and also have been issued a BNL I.D.
feard. you may want to come to Majuro and Ebeye on a field trip ship and
fsee the doctorsf

They will be on Majuro from Sept. 9th thru 15th.

will be on Ebeye from Sept. 15th thru 20th.


Qewilrbereimbursed for the

Rost’ of your transportation, food and expenses while on Majuro or Ebeye.
Again this announcement is for the Rongelap and Utirik people with I.D.

cards who live on other islands.



and Ebeye Sept. 15-20.

ib 7 |

The BNL doctors will be on Majuro Sept. 9-15

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