
At this point I would like to express my profound admiration and sincere
appreciation to all of the members of the crew of the Liktanur II who frequently
went out of their way to make our trip more comfortable.

They are fully aware

of the difficulties that the medical party encounters in using this ship and
attempted to do all they could to remedy its defects.

Individual letters of

commendation will be sent to the operators of US Oceanography.
- IV.

Medical Results -

As you will note from Table I, 482 individual patient visits were performed.
Of 112 dental patients presenting for extraction 190 teeth were extracted.
One additional thyroid nodule that had not been previously screened by Dr.
Brown Dobyns was discovered and consequently a group of five patients was
assembled at Ebeye to be accompanied to BNL and thence on to Cleveland for
surgery with Jenuk Kabua as attendant.
~ VV.

Summary -

As usual, the medical aspects of this survey all ran smoothly and there were



no great surprises from the standpoint of new medical findings.

The most signifi-

cant advance made by this survey was the establishment of the initial priorities
(as perceived by the people of the islands) for the health education program
beginning with a request by some of the Marshallese for a family planning program
and for a weight reduction program.

Both of these elements of the educational

program are felt to be critical from the standpoint of a reduction in morbidity
and mortality.

The guest faculty were outstanding.

Of particular interest, Dr.

Harvey Heidinger, a pediatrician from Loma Linda University, demonstrated the fact
that he is an expert in the area of developing health care systems for emerging

He has previously been on assignment from Loma Linda to Tanzania and is






currently on assignment to Haiti.

His thoughtful comments and recommendations for

Select target paragraph3