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At this point Messrs, Hafstad, Price, Beckerley and Teeple, and
Commander Dunford left the meeting and Dr, Bugher and Mr. Hall


Incident Concerning Japanese Fishing Vessel (See minutes of
Meeting 967)
The General Manager and other members of the staff presented

to the Commission the most recent information concerning injuries

incurred by the crew of a Japanese fishing vessel subsequent to the
rst detonation in the present series, Mr, Hall reported on actions

‘hich the State Department proposes to take concerning this matter

ind Colonel Huston reported on the first meeting of an interdepart-

nental committee, established in accordance with the Commission's

"equest at Meeting 967,


‘The Commissioners also discussed questions concerning the

“ncuation of natives from islands in the Marshall Group where

leonificant fall-out eccurred, (See minutes of Meeting 966.)

At this point Dr, Bugher and Messrs, Smith, Hall and Thompson
it the meeting.

Select target paragraph3