from the viewpoint of the Trust Territories it would be highiy desirable for
the return to Bikini Atoll.
Although there was no agricultural expert at the meeting, it was pointed
out that e preliminary report submitted by Mr. James Hiyane, Office of District
Agriculturalist, Marshall Islands, U. S. Trust Territory, last year discussed
possible actions that could be taken and costs required to initiate proper


It was generally agreed that the cost estimate contained in

the report was low,

considering the work required, even though the rehabili-

tation efforts suggested were modest.
The question was raised as to what agency would fund for the rehabilitation or what agency would be responsible for specific portions of the work.

Dr. Fritsch indicated that the AEC would probably be willing to consider supporting a portion of the necessary funding.

Commissioner Norwood indicated

that there could be some support from the Trust Territories.

Mr. Johnson

pointed out that possibly funding, which will be over and above normal
departmental funding, might best be handled on the Congressional side by

the JCAE.

This point was not pursued.

It was pointed out that return of

the Bikinians would meet with a high degree of approval at the UN, however
any action would necessarily depend on the Air Force requirements and the

radiological situation of the environment.




As background to a discussion of the radiological situation of Bikini

Atoll it should be noted that when the 166 natives were moved from Bikini


Atoll to Rongerik Atoll March 6, 1946, in preparation for Operation CROSSROADS,
27-3 &-

Select target paragraph3