Acute Exposure. In order to estimate acute exposure, meteorology and fallout
dispersion models were used to calucate external exposure rate and air
activity concentrations.
Archival soil measurments were used to calculate

surface activity levels of the iodine isotopes.

The meteorology results and

archival soil results were not used in the final thyroid dose estimate becuase
they could not satisfy the basic criteria that new results Pygt be related to
previously known facts.
Two approaches 1) the estimate of
I intake from
urine results and 2) the estimate of particle size and nuclide composition by
Japanese scientists who examined fallout collected from a Japanese fishing

vessel near Rongelap, could both be related to each other and be related to

the know facts about fallout arrival and duration, external exposure rate
measurements and gross beta measurements.

Once the nuclide composition was assessed, the composition was normalized
to external exposure rate measurements.
Exposure rate histories were
constructed for each island.
Estimates Q intake of radioiodines and
radiotelluriums were normalized to the
I intake estimate which was based on

Rongelap urine results and related to external exposure rate.

The time and

mode of intake were based on diet and living pattern observations.


population mean and individual thyroid absorbed dose were based on the age and
location of the exposed people.

Age dependent values of thyroid absorbed dose

per unit activity intake were obtained from the scientific literature.

The final results were internal and external thyroid absorbed dose

estimates for 251 exposed people.


Archival Soil Measurements
Composition of Fallout

Activity Excreted
Activity Intake
Absorhed Dose

Select target paragraph3