SLIDES 48-50
Impact of livingpattern on external whole-body dose.

The external radiation

exposure rate data were measured by many individuals and an explanation of

their methods can be found in their reports (Ch60, He65, Gr77b, JCAES7, Ti8l,


A factor of 2.8 x 10°

Gy in tissue of interest per nC kg


rad/R) measured in air at 1 m above the surface was used by us to convert

their data to absorbed dose in tissue.
This factor was based on several
First, the planar source representedby the flat atoll was
assumed by us to be an exponential distribution of
Cs activity with depth

in soil, typical of aged fallout (Be70).

The nature of this source caused

minimal variation of absorbed dose with depth or organ; however, the
difference in number of electrons per gram of air and per gram of tissue
necessitated a correction.
Secondly, since the atolls presented a varying
exposure rate environment, absorbed dose was adjusted for living pattern
Both of these considerations were combined by us to give the
above factor used to convert external exposure to absorbed dose in tissue.
Specific details on the adjustment for living pattern variation were given by

Miltenberger and Greenhouse (Gr77b).

Select target paragraph3