Protracted exposure.

The protracted exposure of the Marshallese occurred

after people returned to the contaminated areas.

The people of Utirik and

Rongelap returned to a post accident environment involving radioactivity from
one detonation. The people of Bikini and Enewetak Atolls returned to a post
testing environment involving radioactivity from many tests occurring from

1946 to 1958.

In order to assure the people that radiation exposure

guidelines were being followed, routine bioassay missions have been undertaken
since these people returned to their homes.
Additionally, diet and living
pattern studies, where scientists lived with the people for extended periods
of time were undertaken to understand the internal and external exposure
Information from the bioassay missions and other studies have been
reviewed and estimates of radioactivity intake and corresponding dose

equivalent have been made (Le84).

Field Measurements
Diet and Living Patterns
Body Burdén Histories
Intake Estimates

Committed Effective Dose Equivalent


Select target paragraph3