Aig fee awed, ——R CONFIDENTIAL April 2, 1956 409627 AEC_787/27 copy no, 28 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION BROADCAST QUALITY VOICE CIRCUIT FOR REDWING Note by the Secretary The attached letter from the Assistant to the Secretary Defense (Atomic Energy) is circulated for the information of t Commission by request of the Géneral Manager, The attachment . been referred to the Division of Military Application, repository NARA - Colle “ fac ke cottection EG 326 51-5P Secretary W. Be McCOOL BOX No. (£3 Secretary FOLDER WN - 326 - 93-210) mR ¢ A 7 dwin DISTRIBUTION Val. Zo COFY NO, Secretary 1 Commissioners 2~- 6, 31 General Manager Deputy Gen, Mer, Asst. Gen, Mgr, Asst, Gen. Mer, Mftz, Asst. Gen, Mgr, R&ID Asst. Gen, Mgr. Adm, General Counsel Biology & Medicine Finance tatgemetion Inspection Intelligence 9 10 Ll le 13 - 14 Pa 16is ~2 ab 17 International Affairs 23 ~ 2h Research Sp, Asst, GM (Liaison) Secretariat 26 27 28 - 30 Military Application BEST COPYAVAILABL él 22 25 _ fe eee BP Tet neeeny Soa @-oouferh When separated from enclosures handle this document as eo USE This material contains information effecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, Title 18, U,S8.C,., Sec, 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by law, at Mo Opp 4 ED CORT