
one ee wet eye





February 3,
Admiral Alfred C, Richmond
U.S. Coast Guard
Washington, D.C.



Dear Admiral Richmond:

- SistSteeisssThepurpose of this letter 1s to request that a suitable

Coast Guard vessel be made available to the U.S, Atomic Energy
Commission for the purpose of accomplishing the special mission
hereinafter Gescribed,
The Commission is in the possession of
scientific data which strongly suggest that radioactive debris
from Operation CASTLE, originally trapped in the North Equatorial
Current, are now moving via the Kuroshio Current toward the islands of Japan and Formosa,
It is vitally important to the Commission's scientific program and to the future use of the Pacific
Proving Grounds to assess the possibility described above and
to determine with greater precision the fate

of radioactive con-

tamination from the detonation of nuclear and thermonuclear devices in the Pacific.
We believe also that should levels of radiation significantly above natural background be detected in
Formosan and Japanese waters, important political consequences
might ensue regardless of the fact that the activity is not conSidered to be harmful to health,
Discussions with the Office of Naval Research and the

office of tne Chief of Naval Operations (Op 36), and who we un-

derstood were

in contact with Captain C.G. Bowman,


officer, Floating Division, and Lieut. D,A, Webb, Testing and
Development Division, U.S. Coast Guard, led us to believe that

(1) the Navy could not provide a suitable vessel due to prior
conmitments, (2) a suitable Coast Guard vessel, an AVP, the
USS Matagorda, was available to the AEC at Pearl Harbor, end (3)

the procedure to obtain the vessel was a formal request to the
Chief of Naval Operations,
Hence, a letter to the Chief of
Naval Operations, a copy of which is enclcsed, (with attachments),
was prepared and dispatched,
We now understand that the Chief
of Naval Operations prefers that the AEC make direct application
to the Commandant of the Coast Guard - which is

this letter,

the purpose of

It 18 planned that the proposed survey be a joint undertaking by the AEC and the Office of Naval Research, We under-

stand that by letter dated January 28, 1955 the Office of Naval






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