7. It 18 our understanding that a Coast Guard vessel suitable for the mission is available at Pearl Harbor, We have been informed that the Chie Office of Naval Research, 18 preparing a letter to the Commandant, Coast Guard, requesting -use of thi vessel, Arrangements have been made with Op 36 to obtain surface water samples during the first two in February in the Far Eastern waters as outlined Appendix DD. These samples will be sent to the AEC Health and Safety Laboratory, New York, New York, analysis and will make it possible for us to obtai valuable preliminary information as to distributio radioactivity in these waters, 8, The Department of State has been informed of above facts and concurs in the need to undertake t) surveys as soon as is technically feasible, 9. Dr, John C, Bugher, Director of the Division Biology and Medicine, has assigned to the AEC Heal and Safety Laboratory the execution of the scienti mission on behalf of the Commission, They will assemble to - the equipment and personnel required for he survey. , Very truly yours, /3/ R. W, Cook, Deputy K,. D, Nichols General Manager -3- Enclosure of