SRCaR peat AEC 730/14 410465 February 4, 1955 cory NO. 46 . ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION DEBRIS FROM CASTLE Note by the Acting Secretary The General Manager has requested that the attached exchange of letters with the Chief of Naval Operations and letter to the Commandant, U,S,. Coast Guard, be circulated for the information of the Commission, oom Sr penta re a HAROLD D, ANAMOSA Acting Secretary CLASSIFY CAT = tan LE TON Cane 2pypi0BLTY OF ag. “—~——tiveDATE = / 3 DISTRsBUTZUN cOoFY NO. Secretary 1 2-6, 19 Cemmissioners General Manager Asst. Gen, Mer. R&ID General Counsel. Biology & Medicine Inforration Intelligence International Affairs Military Application Research Secretariat ears! io 7 8 9 CONFIRMED TO Bs UNCLAsS ny BY ALTH: hoYares 3 E/oc 10 11 12 Cate 13 14 -eSplonage=]s Sus eese793° and794; thd”eneeeionOFreveist: Bee.‘in 4ny tancer toSA, unsuthor{tedpé prohipitedby 22ayd ife¢ Ay