} ~ 22 October 1979 SUBJECT: Enewetak History - Maintenance of the Runit Crater Cap "7 1. The Corps of Engineers in their message 172130Z Sep 79, Subject: "DA 2. DNA, in negotiating with the Corps of Engineers.(COE) for a permit to Permit PODCO-0-1300-S", requested information from DNA on their intention of maintenance of the crater cap and other improvements on Runit island under Permit 1300-S. ' construct the crater cap, maintained the position that once the cleanup project is completed the JTG would be disestablished and DNA maintenance of the improvements will end. Standard Section g of the permit, requiring maintenance of the improvements was dropped from the permit by the COE and substituted therefore was Special Condition I, requiring maintenance of the improvements only until the successful completion of the cleanup project. DNA positicn remains the same to this date. 3. DNA, from the very inception of the project, never had any intention of maintaining the crater cap or improvements on Runit. General Johnson, previous Director of DNA, at a 25 February 1975 Enewetak DEIS Review Conference, in response to the following question by William 0. Forster, DOE, on maintenance of the Runit Crater, "if this crater containment breaks up in time, who is responsible to right the wrong?" was quoted by Mr. Forster as follows: "Jhe answer was so obvious, Lt. Gen. Johnson didn't even pause to consider why the question was asked. He quickly indicated it was the USA's responsibility, not DNA's as they were out of it once they satisfied their cleanup responsibilities." OALG/Mr. Thomas P. Jeffers