- 4«= Give the Mic:ronesians a progressively increasing share in the administrative services in the territory... Develop their participation in government .. . Give due recognition to the customs of the Micronesians ... Promote the economic advancement and self- sufficiency of the inhabitants. Improve the means of transportation and communciation .. . Promote .. . social advancement. Protect the health of the Micronesians ... Promote the educational advancement of the Micronesians. The juridical status of the Trusteeship Agreement has been the subject of litigation in the federal courts three times. In 1958 the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, in an action brought by Dr. Linus Pauling and Dwight Heine, refused to enjoin the Hardtack series of nuclear weapons tests at Enewetak. Pauling and Heine argued that the detonation of the nuclear weapons would “produce radiation or radioactive nuclei [which] will inflict serious genetic and somatic injuries upon [the] plaintiffs and the population of the world in general, including unborn generations." Pauling v. McElroy, 164 F. Supp. Sa AE yea . ot oe 390, 392 (1958).