- 31 mopies, and it is further a discriminazory act depriving the
people of Micronesia of equal protection of the laws, in
violation of the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment
to the Constitution.
The Human Consequences

| The effect of the policy is not only destructive of
the developing political institutions in the Trust Territory,

but it has a devastating impact upon the human beings who
are the beneficiaries of these federal programs.

A sworn

statement by one of our clients, Teresita Gilibpin of Yap,
is a poignant example of this.

Ms. Gilibpin has a seventeen

year-old son who is enrolled in the Yap Vocational Rehabilitation
Program because his left leg was amputated at the hip.

Vocational Rehabilitation was to have terminated at the end
of September last.

Ms. Gilibpin's affidavit says:

If the program is eliminated in September
of 1979, as is projected, my son is likely to

suffer greatly.

Sometime in late July my son

is scheduled to visit Majuro Hospital, Marshall
Islands, to be measured for a prosthetic device.
In that the program will soon be terminated, his
scheduled trip to the Marshalls may be cancelled.
Even if he is successfully measured for the
prosthetic device, the program may not be able
to order it before its scheduled termination.

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