The BEIR Committee studied the effects of long-term,
low-level radiation exposure.

With the exception of the

acute effects suffered by the people of Rongelap in the weeks
and months immediately following their exposure, the information
and findings of the BEIR Committee are relevant to the conditions

at Rongelap, Ailinginae, Rongerik, Utirik, Bikini and Enewetak.
From the BEIR Report we learn that there are two principal
concerns that one should have about radiation exposure at
low levels.

First, although the precise mechanisms are not

understood, it is known that radiation increases the risk
of cancer and of genetic abnormalities.


BEIR Report 46-48,

Second, the relation between the amount of radiation

to which one is exposed and the risk of ill-effects is such

that even small amounts of radiation can cause harm.


Report 51, 64, 89.

Radiation does not create any new health problems.


cancer and birth defects are known to occur in conditions
where nothing more than background radiation is present.
It is also observed that any number of nonradioactive substances
ean play a part in causing both cancer and genetic defects.

Radiation simply increases the risk of cancer and genetic
defects, but because the underlying biological mechanisms are
not fully understood, the precise role of any form of caccinogen
or mutagen cannot be fully understood.

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