
Request additional support from OMB for cleanup acttvittes.


Review criteria for soil cleanup and plans for soil debris
disposal to include the radiological consequences of the’
disposal plan.

/ 3.

Develop an acceptable management plan for AES activities in
the Marshall islands.
Revise the MOU between ERDA and DNA to reflect actual
conditions of cleanup operations.



Deal will prepare a letter for the Administrator's signature
advising DOD that additional funds will be necessary for
AES/ERDA continued support of cleanup operations.
Deal will prepare a letter by August 12 to be sent to DOD
explaining AES proposed activities related to Enewetak cleanup.
Formal transmittal will be preceded by discussions with DOD.
Burr and Deal] will arrange for review by a team of experts of
cleanup criteria and proposed disposal practice, to include a
briefing of the team by Corps of Engineer staff knowledgeable
of the disposal operations. This Committee will be convened
by August 10 with Bruce Wachholz and Tom McCraw, acting as the
staff of the Committee. Letters will be prepared for trans-

‘mittal to each team member to confirm their charter.

\ 7 4,

Deal will develop a rec ommended plan for management of AES
activities in the Marshall Islands by August 15.
Cowser will provide a revision to the existing MOU with DNA
by August 15.

Select target paragraph3