




Brief Summary of the Radiological Status of the Bikini Atoll
Philip F. Gustafson

Fallout Studies Branch

Division of Biology and Medicine


May 1968

A number of radiological surveys of Bikini Atoll have been made since

The most recent survey was conducted in April and May 1967.


main effort was devoted to the measurement of ambient radiation levels using
“several types of detectors.

The external radiation field was mapped in con-

siderable detail on Bikini and Eneu Islands, and less thoroughly on the

remainder of the atoll.

The various radionuclides and their concentrations

which gave rise to the observed radiation field were determined from field
gamma-ray spectrometry.

Representative samples of local plants and animals

which might be eaten by the returning natives were collected and have been

analyzed for radioactivity.
The results of the 1967 survey provide a basis for making reasonable
estimates of the total (external plus internal) radiation exposure which
the Bikinians might receive over the coming years, if they return to the

Background radiation on the atoll is, due almost exclusively to

cosmic radiation, and there are only trace amounts of the naturally occurring
radioelements in the area.

Except in the immediate vicinity of nuclear

detonations, the composition of the residual gamma-ray radioactivity was
similar throughout the atoll, consisting of about 70% 137¢,g,
20% 6064, and 10% 12565.

Variations in intensity were observed from place

to place; Eneu was the least contaminated, followed by Bikini Island itself.
. A dose gradient existed across Bikini, with lowest levels on the beach areas,

and highest values in the heavily overgrown interior.
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