grew in large numbers on Bikini.

Breadfruit and bananas

were, I understand rare as was taro,

One can safely assume

that if local foods are available the people will eat them,
as well as imported foods.

The people of Bikini enjoy both

kinds of food and will not let any of it go to waste.
Although the Bikintans will want to visit all of the
4silands and islets in the atoll, and to exploit their natural
resources, I believe that if any of

these areas were found

to be hazardous because Of remaining radiation the people
would comply with restrictions which would be necessary.


should be a matter of local policing by the community itse.f.
A thorough explanation should be made to the entire community,
so that the reasons for imposing such restrictions would be
clearly understood and appreciated by everyone.

This same

procedure should apply to any restrictions against eating cer-

tain food produced on Bikini.
The genetic pool of the Bikini people has changed since
the move twenty years ago. Increased contact with other
Marshallese has resulted in out marriages.

this trend will continue.

It is probable that

There will probably be more travel

between Bikini ahd other parts of the Marshalls.

Ebeye ané

Majuro will be focalpoints for these movements, as will

Kilt, 4¢ people return there to live, There will probably be
considerable travel between Bikini and neighboring Rongelap,

with whom a good number of the Bikini people have kinship ties.
It can be expected that more of the young people will be absent


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