CeCe ys -PRIVAGYACT MATERIAL pyMOVED GISOOKE IAVEN NAI IONAL LABORATORY ASSOCIATED UNIVERSITIES, INC. Jpton. New York 11973 weeG CG vupatmnen (216) 345-3577 July 7, L978 Dr.Walter Weyzen Manager, Human Effects Studies DBER DOE Washington, D.C. Dear 20545 Walter: At the time of the recent Congressional hearings on Bikini, several people from Bikini who were attending the hearings in Washington visited BNL June 21-22. (Mr. Oscar DeBru’m, District Administrator, Marshalls, and Ataji Balos, Marshellese Congressman, also visited.) Two of the Bikini people, Mr. , who: had been living on Bikini as Health Aide, and a Mr. who had been living on Majuro, had whole body gamma spectrographic analyses for Cs-137 and K-40: done by Dr. Cohn's group at BNL and at NYU by Dr. Cohen. The latter also did an analysis for Am-241 in his special counter. Copies of these reports’ with comparison with Mr. Miltenberger's counts at Bikini in the latter part of April are enclosed. You will note that there is a discrepancy between the BNL and NYU Cs-137 counts (which are in close agreement) Miltenberger at Bikini in April. were 1.62 at BNL, on the one hand, and those of The estimated body burdens of Cs~-137 (CL) 1.72 at NYU and 3.3 at Bikini. Mr. Miltenberger offers the following explanation of this discrepancy. At the time of the finding of elevated counts at Bikini, the people were advised to refrain from eating home-grown products including coconuts. He believes Mr. may pave. complied. If so, he claims a subtraction for loss due to biological turnover would put his counts only 10-15% above those reported above (a reasonable difference). explanation. The agreement between the K-40 counts would tend to support this In any event, this is only one case. The finding of no detectable Am-24L (200 pCi lower limit of detection) © in the skull of Mr. and no x-ray peak for Pu-239 is encouraging. It will be interesting to see the results of radiochemical urine analyses on the people living at Bikini now in progress and to be reported soon by Dr. Naidu. Sincerely yours, PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REM OVED Robert A. Conard, M.D. Sa . bwa/encls. 5010820 Gila. ), W som eeia gt M ueer ety: \ OS uh qo i aA, SA 3 er s 3 M“