Notes on ERDA Meeting to Discuss Problems Concerning
the Medical Examinations of Marshallese People:—
(Germantown, Maryland, May 16th, 1977)

Those present at the meeting included:
Cohn, and Conard;

from BNL, Drs. Bond, Cronkite,

from DOI, Janice Johnson; from ERDA, Drs. Burr (who

chaired the meeting), Weyzen, Forster, and Messrs. Ray, McCraw, and others.
Conard gave a handout of suggested topics for discussion along with
copies of some pertinent material and then presented a review of the
events occurring in the recent medical survey in the Marshall Islands
in March-April,

as background for topics to be discussed.

A brief summary

of discussion of major topics follows.

Future of BNL Medical Program in the Marshall Islands
With Dr. Knudsen,

the resident physician in the Marshall Islands,

deaving the program at the end of the year, and retirement of Dr. Conard
scheduled for January 1979, recruitment of one or more physicians for the
program will be necessary.
and Utirik?

Should the position of resident physician be

Is it necessary to continue four yearly visits to Rongelap
The following alternatives were discussed:

Recruit two physicians to relieve Conard and Knudsen and continue

the program as before.

The resident physician might be acquired on a

year-to-year basis with the help of some group, such as the University of
Hawaii or the Public Health Service.

Have only one physician in the program who, in addition to adminis—

tering the program from BNL, would visit the islands biannually for a

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