

Kriday, September 2, 1983
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Radiation Illness Widespread _
The purpose of thisarticle is to describe

The reason Dr. Hamilton began these

health care of all the Marshall Islanders

the medical evaluation program of the. examinations in June, 1983 was because — it has never conducted health care surhe began to find a large number of preMarshall Islands Atomic Testing Litigation
veys and examinations of all the people.

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Thomas Hamilton, M.D.,

Ph.D, is a medical consultant to MIATLP






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viously undiagnosed thyroid tumors on
also it has never done a complete, in- &%
people living in Majuro who were all
dependent, radiological survey of all the
and has been performing complete medi- ‘from the northern Marshall Islands listed .islands and atolls. Therefore no one
cal evaluations on Marshallese people above, This suggested the possibility that
knows how many of the istands are con- rf N
radiation from nuclear fallout from the
since November of 1982. The purpose of
taminated by radioactive materials and
1954 Bravo explosion (and possibly some
these evaluations is to detect radiation
no one knows how many people suffer}
injuries, however, this can be done ade- of the other 65 explosions between 1946
from illness caused by nuclear testing.
quately ONLY if complete medical eval- and 1958) may have contaminated many
The government of the United States fF
atolls other than Enewetak, Rongelap,
uations are performed. Therefore all
has admitted that the atolls of Enewe- Fi
and Utirik. It will take at least another 6
medical proglems are diagnosed whether
tak, Bikini, Rongelap, and Utirik were §
they are radiation related or whether — .to 8 months to complete these examinaaffected. We had seen enough medical #
tions on the people from the above named
they are not radiatian related. The comproblems on the other atolls to fear that
plete evaluations are performed in Maju-- atolls. However, the preliminary informathe problem was much more widespread. F:
ro; each individual person has a 2-3 hour ‘tion shows a large number of thyroid tuWe are sorry to see that Dr. Hamilton’s &
evaluation which includes completing a
mors as well
a numberof othersignifi- . preliminary findings suggest that this is 8,
true. These findings should cause the Uni- &
medical questionngire, talking with the cant medical problems which were undoctor, a complete physical examination,
diagnosed and untreated. The purpose in ted States to immediately start radiologic- f
and laboratory tests. Finally, a medical
al and medical surveys of all the islands
identifying these people on these atolls
report is prepared and a copy is included with these problems is to recommend and all the people so that those affected
as a permanent part of each person’s that they be referred to see Dr. Hamil- can be treated and so that further injury —
hospital record. In addition, a copy of ton for a complete evaluation in Majuro.
from contaminated atoils or poisoned
food can be prevented.
this report is provided. to the MIATLP
At the completion of the examination
“1ch surveys are needed now. They sho- |
attorneys. People who have serious
on each atoll, a list of the people recommedical problems are immediately referruld not await the outcomeof plebiscites §
mended for complete evaluations is given
of all the Micronesian countries. Nor
ed by Dr. Hamilton to either local phyto the health aide as well as copies to th«
sicians or in some cases are presented to
mayor and senator from each atoll or to . should they be postponed the many f
years it may take before the United States
the Referral. Committee for referral to local leaders on Ebeye.
Congress acts on the Compact of Free
honolulu. In each case a copy of Dr, HaNearly 2000 people, including children_ Association even if it is approvedbythe_
milton’s report is provided to the physiciProject.

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