
to that of the comparison population,

Mortality in the exposed group remained

about the same as in the comparison population and no evidence of premature aging
was recognized and no leukemia developed,

One death from cancer in an older

exposed woman occurred at five years postexposure - too early it is believed to
be related to radiation exposure,

No skin malignancies have been noted as a

sequelae to beta burns, but there appears to be an increase in the number of
pigmented nevi in the beta irradiated skin areas,

No specific genetic studies have

been carried out but no increase in congenital malformations has been noted in the
children of exposed parents,

The survey team consisted of 10 physicians and technicians from the United
States and ten from the Trust Territory,

Just prior to the survey, an epidemic

of poliomyelitis, type 1, had spread through the Islands and Rongelap was among the
islands affected,

Twenty-three children and three adults developed the disease,

with one death occurring in a woman in the exposed group and several cases of partial
paralysis in the children,

Fortunately the epidemic did not affect Utirik.,

At the

time of the survey, the epidemic had been brought under control by widespread
immunization with Sabine oral vaccine by Navy and Public Health teams,
Examinations were carried out on 70 Rongelap people in the exposed group,

35 children of exposed parents, 195 unexposed Rongelap people (adults and children)
comprising the comparison population, and 84 Utirik people who had been exposed,
A Trust Territory cargo ship was used to transport the team and equipment to
Rongelap and Utirik,
the examinations,

The team lived ashore at both Islands during the period of

Smaller groups of

Rongelap and Utirik seople were also examined

at Ebeye, (Kwajalein Atoll), and Majuro,

The attitude of the people as usual

was most cordial and cooperative on both Islands,

Select target paragraph3