-16Table III.


List of Radionuclides

Fissionproducts of direct biomedical interest.

$r90(28 y) chemically like Ca, daughter of 33 sec kr90

Cs137(30 y) chemically like K, weak gamma


os Sears
a gproucts


(half lives about 2 months), used to indicate age of
STaebris tnd fractionation effects due to chemistry, solubility or
gaseous precursors; zr95 can be detected by gamma spectroscopy.
Bal40 (12.8d) used to indicate very fresh debris

Cel41, cel44, a pair of beta-gamma emitters of 1 and 10 months half
life, used for age and fractionation determination.


Other artificial activities

Rh10Z (210 4)


wi85 (74 d) associated with Hardtack series.



Cosmic-ray and bomb produced activities

H (tritium) (12.5 y), used in studying H20 cycle
c14 (5700 y) used in studying COgcycle, global transport
Natural terrestrial activities

Rn222 and Pb210 (RaD), 3.8 d gas and its 19.4 y solid daughter for

studying micrometeorology, air masses, global exchange, scavenging.



Select target paragraph3