Greenhouse to Stanley

June 7, 1977

- 3-

I plan to attend the LCU user's meeting at LLL during the
week of June 27. We had requested time in the FY 78 schedule in
a previous letter to PASO.
I would like to ammend the original
request by extending the October stop at Bikini from two to five
The departure date for this trip is defined by the need

for spring tides to beach the LCU at Utirik. This condition
exists from October 10 to October 16, so the LCU should be
scheduled to depart from Kwajalein on October 8. The additional
three days at Bikini extends the total mission time to 22 days.

Our request for 16 days in late April or early May remains the

We are also requesting the following equipment additions to
the R, V. Liktanur:

Replacement of the Johnson outboard motor on the Boston

Whaler with two smaller engines, eg. 35-40 hp.
Addition of reliable cross~atoll

(~30 mile) radio equipment

to the LCU for communication between the ship and the small
boat or distant shore parties. The present C. B. radios do
not have adequate range.
Finally, I will presume that it is within the purview of the

user's meeting to discuss crew coverage on the R, V. Liktanur.


light of the almost universal user satisfaction with the present
crew, I believe it to be highly inefficient and counterproductive
to rotate the crew per Global, Marine Department edict.
We would

strongly encourage and support any efforts among the users and
PASO to convince Global Associates to recind this directive and
retain the present crew whose competence is proven.

Again, our thanks to PASO, Ted Murawski, and the crew of the

Liktanur where excellent support is "business as usual."

Sincerely yours,


N. A. Greenhouse

Project Director,

Marshall Islands
Radiological Safety Program

C. B. Meinhold



R. Ray

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