December 20,

Page 3


You know of the program of medical examination and
treatment for the People of Rongelap and Utirik, carried
on under the auspices of Doctor Robert A. Conard of
Brookhaven National Laboratory. There are also two
programs of compensation, one which was completed in
1965 and another which is currently under way.
Conard's work and these other programs have made a

significant contribution to the well being of the

People of Rongelap and the People of Utirik, but as in
the case of Enewetak,

full satisfaction of all indi-

vidual claims and firm commitments to meet the long
term needs of the people have yet to be made.



I do not by any means intend to minimize what has
been done in the past, but my principle purpose here is
to highlight the legal responsibility of the United
States to fully satisfy the claims, both individual and
collective, of all of these people and to make firm and
binding commitments for the vital radiological programs
which only the United States esceypyetowt tht to



In our view, these are very special kinds of
responsibilities which are not properly comprehended
within whatever financial obligation is undertaken by
the United States for the general support of the future

government of the Marshall Islands.

The People of

Enewetak, the People of Rongelap, the People of Utirik,
ought not to have to compete with other legitimate
needs of the Marshall Islands for whatever total finanelal support is negotiated between you and the Marshall

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Island Political Status Commission.
Likewise, we do
not think the Marshall Island Political Status Commission should be required to, in effect, finance racio-

logical health and environmental programs for the
people of these three atolls out of whatever limited
funds are ultimately agreed upon between you and them.
We think the responsibility runs directly from the
United States to each of these clients and they alone
have the legal capacity to settle these claims and to

agree to a definition, once and for all, of the future

responsibility of the United States with regard to
radiation related personal injuries, losses of property
and environmental hazards.

I realize that the exact means for meeting the

needs of our clients, which I have outlined here only

in the most general terms, can vary considerably de-


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