

Be eh dee Ea BS Dbaead eee nawha alee SatiacctRette.

Project Airstream

The Health and Safety Laboratory measures radioactivity in the
lower stratosphere employing the RB-57F aircraft as a sampling
The aircraft are flown by the 58th Weather Reconnaissance Squadron under the direction of the 9th Weather Wing of the

Air Weather Service.

The missions are scheduled for early Feb-

ruary, May, August and November and the coverage extends from
75°N to 51°S latitude in the Western Hemisphere,
Air filter sam-

ples are collected from 12 to 19 km altitude and analyzed for ten
A more complete description of the program and
avallable data are given On pages II-9 to II-67.
High Altitude Balloon Sampling Program

Balloon borne filtering devices are used to collect nuclear debris at altitudes from 24-41 km.
Balloon launchings are conducted quarterly at Fairbanks, Alaska, 65°N; San Angelo, Texas,
31°N; Panama C.Z., 9°N; and Mildura, Australia, 34°S.
are analyzed for ten radionuclides.
A more complete description
of the program and available data were presented in HASL-217 cn
pages II-148 to II-206.
Corrected sampling dates for three samples are given in this report beginning on page II-68.
Radiostrontium in Milk




Strontium?9 levels in both powdered and fresh milk distributed
in New York City and tap Water sampled at the Health and Safety
Laboratory, have been measured on a monthly basis since 1954.
These data are summarized in tabular and graphical form in the

Section E.

Strontium?° in Diets
Quarterly estimates of the annual dietary intake of sr29° of New
York City, Chicago, and San Francisco residents have been made
based on analyses of foods purchased at these three cities every
three months since 1960.
Sampling in Chicago has been discontinued.
The program is described and available data reported on
p. II-4 to II-6 of this report.


and Tap Water


Available Sr99 data for human bone samples collected in 1969

from countries in Latin America and Africa are presented on pages
II-7 and II-8 of this report.
II - 3


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