China's 6th test in June 1967, but this did not closely match the




Pu-239 increase either in magnitude or timing.

Further, in the mid

latitudes in 1968, and in all latitudes in 1969, increases in the
Pu-238/Pu-239 occurred.
On balance, we do not feel that the data support major tropospheric injections of Pu-239 to account for the anomalous Pu-239/Sr-90
ratios in the Northern Hemisphere.

There is, however, a good deal of

evidence of global, or at least hemispheric distribution of material
emanating from limited sources at the earth's surface.

As examples:

lead, identifiable as originating in urban environments has been found
in both the Arctic and Antarctic

(12); dust,

derived from the arid

regions Of West Africa, has been traced westward across the Atlantic
Ocean to Barbados
Antarctic fauna



and pesticide residues found in organs of

also must have been transported in the tropos-

phere many thousands of miles.

Thus there is not sufficient evidence


Fractionation in the troposphere.

j th. tess,

This fifth possible explana-

tion for the observed anomalies in the Pu-239/Sr-90 ratios offers

much to the imagination, but there is little if any real positive

Negatively, it can be demonstrated from Figure 3,


this had never happened to any observable extent in the preceeding
two years.


it seems reasonable to assume that if the surface


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at this time to fule out this possibility.

I - 21

Select target paragraph3