me ee ee ae re se

implement the human diet and bone svudies a
continued to pursue these and other invest
the basic aim cf estimating the exposure o

radicactive fallout.

His strong interest in and

involvement with the



Qs be

United Nations Scientifie Committee on the effectSs ofr
Atomic Radiation, the National Committee on Radiat
Protection ana Measurements, and the Federal Ra

Couneil, exposed his scientific Skiils as weil

good mimor to scientists from many areas of the

Joe was co-editor of th HASL "Quarterly" .
advice and many contribution will be sorely missed.
He was an independent thinker whose ideas and btarents
were sougnt in almost every endeavor at HASL.

Nae eee rte ere ge ry ee eea me ee ee ee Se ee met te ee ee ee wate
peree eR ee eee ee eee ewe nn

Joseph Rivera suffered

January 31, 1970. We are grea
of our good friend and colleague. Soc
the Health and Safety Laboratory in 1>

Select target paragraph3