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Fisenne, I. M. and Keller, H. W.

in the Diet in Three United States Cities

USAEC Report HASL-2CG7, April (1969), p. 1-2

Rivera, J.

HASL Diet Studies; First and Second Quarters of 1968

USAEG Report HASL-200, October (1968), p. II-6


Food Consumption of Househouseholds in the United States
Spring 1968

A Preliminary Report, U. S. D. A. ARS 62-16,. August (1967)

State of California Department of Public Health,
Bureau of Radiological Health

Estimated Daily Intake of Radionuclides in California

Diets, November - December 1967 and January - September 1968
USDHEW, PHS, Radiological Health Data and Reports,
Vol. 10, No. 5, May (1969), p. 208-211

State of California Department of Public Health,
Bureau of Community Environment Management Radionuclides

in Institutional Diet Samples

April - June 1968

USDHEW, PHS, Radiological Health Data and Reports,


10, No. 1, January (1969), p. 22-25

State of California Department of Public Health

Bureau of Radiological Health and Bureau of Community

Environmental Management

Radionuclides in Institutional Diet Samples, July - September 1968
USDHEW, PHS, Radiological Health Data and Reports,
Vol. 10, No. 4, April (1969), p. 150-152

State of California Department of Public Health,
Bureau of Radiological Health and Bureau of Community
Environmental Management
Radionuclides in Institutional Diet Samples, October - December 1968

USDYHEW, PHS, Radiological Health Data and Reports,
Vol. 10, No. 7, July (1969), p. 308-311

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