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Radioactivity in Surface and Coastal Waters of the
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Technical Report FRL-5
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food
Hamilton Dock Lowestoft,




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November 1969

Atmospheric Ozone and Radioactive Fallout

Papers in Meteorology & Geophysics, Vol. XVII,
Meteorological Research Institute, Japan

No. 4,


Miyake, Y., Katsuragi, Y. and Sugimura, Y.

Deposition of Plutonium in Tckyo through the end of 1966

Papers in Meteorology & Geophysics, Vol. XIX, No. 2, 1968

Meteorological Research Institute, Japan

National Institute of Radiological Sciences
Annual Report 1968-1969
NIRS-8, October 1969
Science & Technology Agency, Japan
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The Nutrition of Polynesian Children
Tropical and Geographical Medicine, 21,

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September 1969


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ey FOIE Ek pik epee:

Murozumi, M., Chow, T. J. and Patterson, C.
Chemical Concentrations of Pollutant Lead Aerosols,
Terrestrial Dusts and Sea Saits in Greenland and
Antarctic Snow Strata
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 33, 1969

Newell, R., Vincents, D.G., and Kidson, J.W.
Interhemispheric Mass Exchange from Meteorological and
Trace Substance Observations
Tellus, 21, No. 5, 1969

V. J.

Circulation in the Tropics as Revealed by Satellite Data

Ft NE ARE eR MES acne

Bulletin of the American Metecrological Society,
Volume 50, No. 9, September 1969

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