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Every three months, the Health and Safety Laboratory issues a report
summarizing current information obtained at HASL pertaining to fallout.
This report, the latest in the series, contains information that he-

came available during the period from December 1, 1969 to March 1, 1970.
The next report is scheduled for publication July 1, 1970.

reports in the series, starting with HASL-42, "Environmental Contamination from Weapons Tests", and continuing through HASL-224, (this report)
may be purchased from the Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, National Bureau of Standards, U. S. Department of Com-

A complete listing of these Fallout
merce, Springfield, Virginia 22151.
Program Quarterly Summary Reports is given on the title page of this

To give a more complete picture of the current fallout situation and to

provide a medium for rapid publication of radionuclide data, these quar~
terly reports often contain information from other laboratories and programs, some Of which are not part of the general AEC program.
To assist
in developing, as rapidly as possible, provisional interpretaticns of
the data, special interpretive reports and notes prepared by scientists
working in the field of fallout are also included from time to time.
Many of these scientists are associated in some way with the general AEC
Information developed outside of HASL is identified as such and

is gratefully acknowledged by the Laboratory.

In this report, data from

the EURATOM Joint Nuclear Research Center at Ispra,

the Division of Radic-

logical Physics at Argonne National Laboratory, the National Radiation

Laboratory in New Zealand and the Department of Scientific and Industrial
Research in New Zealand, are given.
A portion of the radiochemical analyses either have been or are being
Carried out by commercial laboratories under contract to the HASL Environmental Studies Division.
The results of these analyses are repor~
ted as part Of HASL's regular fallout program.
The contractor analytical
laboratories which provided data are Nuclear Science and Engineering Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Isotopes, Inc., Westwood, New Jersey;
Radiochemistry Incorporated, Louisville, Kentucky; Tracerlab, Division of

LFE, Richmond, California (now Trapelo Division/West); Controls for Radia-

tion, Inc., Cambridge, Mass.; Hazleton-Nuclear Science Corporation, Palc
Alto, Califf'.; Food, Chemical and Research Laboratories, Inc., Seattle,
Washington; Tracerlab, Division of LFE, Waltham, Mass:
U. S. Testing Co.,
Inc., Richland, Washington, Custom Nuclear Co., Mountainview, California.
and Ledoux and Co., Teaneck, New Jersey.

This report is divided into four main parts:

Interpretive Reports and Notes
HASL Fallout Program Data
Data from Sources Other than HASL
Recent Publications Related to Radionuclide Studies

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