


Their drafts are being reviewed by AEC and militery personnel, some 300
copies having been distributed for this purpose.

An experienced ecitor of

technical books is editing t:em into final form for concurrence of tue
authors, approval of the Coamiesion and the Department, of Detense, and publica—

tion. If possible, the final technical volume will be published in its entirety
as an unclasified document.

If it 1s impossible to declassify some inforretion

deemed vital, the whole volume will be published in classified form, with an
abridged vdume in unclassified form.

The Comuisaion is preparing public

informational saterials based on the content of the approved draft chapters.
The general content of the draft volume covers:
Atomic explosions, what they are and how caused
The detailed technical nature of an explosion

The effects of sir, water and ground burste
The kinds of construction which will reaist atomic
The inportance of weather in the use of atomic bombs
The heat and radiation of atomic explosions
Types of uaterials most vulnerable to the heat and blest
of stomic explosions

The theory of detection of radiation, the instruments used,

how the; work, what they cost, and their availability

The distribution and absorption of gamma rays in atomic
The hazards of racloactive contamination

Deconteninsation; methods that may be used to get rid af the
after-effects on atomic bomb explosiona

Raclological warfare
Contemimtion of underwater organisugs by underwater blasts

Select target paragraph3