



and ~o provide an effective remus of liaison between the WE and other
covernnental and orivate acencies on questions of civil defense,"
Mr, Qugsell J. lopley was annointed SCiP Direstor, beim; reasonsible
directly to the Secretary o: :sfense,


A comprehensive resort, "Clvil lefense for Jational Security,” was
Bioniited by the Lirecitor of JCLP to the Secretary of Defonse on sOtober 1,

This report commonly referred to as tne “ciopley Report," recortonded

establisiment of a pernanent Jffice of Civil Defense in the UNE to be

responsible for both the planning and operational aspects of civil decense
in accordance with a datailed scheme outlined in the Report,

Tiis included

direction and coordination at the Federal level of the work of siate and
‘fhe recommencatio « of the Hopley deport

local civil defense ortvanizations,
were not put into errect.

The JCEP continued t function in ita planni:y;

Casacity intl] recently.


By Presidestial directive of -aren 3, 1349 the National Security Jesources

Joard was inetructed "to agsume * * * # * * leadersaip in civil defense
planning and to ®velop a projran which sill be adequate for tre sation's

The Presideatial directive stated “Under present coaditions .:0

esse: tial seed 2° Lre feceral ioversuszent in the area of civil de:euse is
peacetime pglanni.g; rather than operation of a fullescale civil defeciuse

Therefore [ see no need to establish at this time a peruacen:

orcvanization, such as @ proposed Jifica of Civil Defense,

a definite necessity to oo.

Hather, I see

ue plamin: for civil defense and an

liacediate need to fix in a responsible agency definite leaders.ip for
suc planain-,

sinee xaces:..e civil derense planning ia related to, anc




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