duly 7, 1949

Dear Mr. Steelman:

This is in reply to your letter of June 6, 1949, requesting our

corrionts on the preliminary report on Civil Defense Planning propared by
the staff of the National Security Resources Board.
Our comments on the report are confined at this time to those portions

dealing with “wartime disaster relief” arainst radiologioal warfare.


Cormission would, of course, also have an interest in the development of

plans for “peace time disaster relief and “internal seourity."

The report

indicates, however, that recommendations eoncerning planning and the assignment of responsibilities in those arcas are to be made at a later date.
We note the proposed assicnanat to the Federal Works Agency of primary

planning responsibility in the immediate future for wartime disaster relief

aid the listing of the Atomic Energy Commisaion as a participating apenoy
in this planning program. Tho Commission will, of course, be glad to assist
the Federal Yorks Agency in the fulfillment of its reponsibilitics.
One of the first and most obvious responsibllities in a planning

program will be a futher deternination of the scope of planning activitics.
The Cormission feels that it can make an important oontribution to this
determination by maxing avajlable to the Federal Works Agency technical
information on which planning for disaster relief against radiological
warfare must necessarily be based. The Commission can also mace a substantial contribution to civil defense plaming by a detailed study of these
present activities of the Commission which, while related primarily to the
Cotiasion's own prograns, have a bearing on civil defense plarrinz.


study is now being undertazen by tho Gommission and upon its completion we

will be slad to make the rosults of the study available to the Federal Works

Agonsy and to the National Security Resources Board. We would recommend
to the Federal Yorks Asency and to the National Security Resources Board

that similar studies of the prosent activities of other participating acencies
be compiled.

Pending the development of a more detailed definition of the scope of
planning activities, the Cormission feels that long-term assignnents of
responsibility should be cept as flexible az possible,

The National Security Resouross Soard staff report (Part V Section 3c)

recommends that the plaming adtivitios of Federal agencies assigned res-

ponsibility under any of the planning programs be presented and justified

separately in their budcpet documents,

We anticipate that the Comaission's

role in civil defense plaminrc will be in large measure one of supplying

information to other agencies with primary responsibility for civil defense
planning. There will, of course, be some aspects of planning, such as in


Select target paragraph3