






Battelle Boulevard
Richland, Washington

October 23, 1978






Hal Hollister
Division of Operational and
Environmental Safety
Department of Energy
Washington, D. C. 20545
Dear Hal:
The Northern Marshall Islands Advisory Group met on October 3-4, 1978
to consider the issue of planting coconuts on Enewetak Atoll, recommend
cleanup guidance for subsurface contamination, discuss the Enjebi experimental farm, review preliminary results of the plowing experiment and be
briefed by TonunyMcCraw on the status of the Northern Marshall Islands
Survey. The Advisory Group offers the enclosed comments.
The discussion of these and other topics again identified the apparent
lack of integration of the efforts at Enewetak and in the other Marshall
Islands as the major concern of the Advisory Group. We are in complete
agreement that all DOE activities at Enewetak as well as at Bikini and
at all other northern Marshall Islands should be combined and integrated
under a single DOE administrator with overall management responsibility
and authority. We have no criticism of individuals who are involved in
the Marshall Islands effort bec?use they obviously are dedicated to their
projects. However, the importance and magnitude of the Marshall Islands
program requires that these individual projects be part of an overall
program plan administered by a well defined management structure.
Examination of each project such as the Enewetak cleanup, the Northern
M&rshalls Survey, the Bikini Health Studies, the experimental work at
the Enjebi garden plot, the work at the Enewetak marine laboratory, the
Univer~ity of Washington studies, and the work of the Nevada Operations
Office probably would yield few criticisms. However, this would provide no
assurance that adequate information will be available to support the technical
and political decisions to be made. We are concerned that while inxnediate
issues are being individually addressed, the broad andlong term aspects
could be neglected. An example of our reason for concern is the singular
attention to the transuranics at Enewetak with little effort expended on
9%r and 137CS and the lack of a plan to do a thorough dose assessment

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