Greenhouse to Stanley

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August 3,


Persons Who Have Not Participated in the
"Early Return" Program of Japtan


Adult males (> age 15)
Adult females (> age 15)
Adolescent males (ages 11-15)
Adolescent females (ages 11-15)
Male children (ages 5-10)

Female children


Adult males (> age 15)
Adult females (> age 15)
Adolescent males {ages 11-15)
Adolescent females (ages 11-15)
Male children (ages 5-10)

(ages 5-10)

Female children {ages 5-10)

Persons Who Have Participated in the Japtan

“Early Return" Program During the Last 18 Months
Adult Males (> age 15)
Adult Females (> age 15)
A statistical analysis based on the variances of 13’cs body burdens among
the Rongelap and Utirik population indicates that we can establish the mean
137Ccs body burden at the 90% confidence level in each group with a minimum





we will

of the 14 aforementioned categories,






in each

for a total WBC load of 182 subjects.

We are requesting assistance from PASO in the following areas:


Notification of Utirik, Rongelap and Ujelang residents regarding our visit,
and requests for necessary approvals from the Marshall Islands government
and from the local leaders.


Advance preparation of Ujelang residents regarding the purposes cf our visit
and the nature of our personnel monitoring activities...To the best of our
knowledge, none of the Ujelang residents have participated in our personnel
monitoring program.
Each subject will be asked to submit to the WBC proceGure (~20 minutes including interview); and adolescents and adults will be
asked to provide us with a 24 hour urine sample.
We have reason to believe
from the Majuro WBC experience that many people confuse the counting procedure
with having an x-ray taken.
This misconception should be avoided, and it
should be understood that the subjects receive no radiation exposure from
the whole body count.

There was some mention at the Liktanur users group meeting that Ted Mitchell
of MLSC is expected to visit Ujelang prior to our visit.
I understand that
Mr. Mitchell supports our program activities in principle, and we would be happy

to brief him on our objectives and procedures if he so desires.

This is perhaps

the path of least resistance in achieving advance notification of the Ujelang
people, assuming Mr. Mtchell agrees to help us, and the timing of his visit is


Select target paragraph3