

Following the "sheep" meeting, several needs are apparent:
(a) Obtain or prepare in an organized format the personal

recollections of Drs. Trum and Rust as soon as possible

before these original sources are unable to assist.
Perhaps an editor/historian could assist them in doing

Estimated cost . . 2... 6 6 + ee ew ee wes

- $


(b) Contract to review and document events pertinent to this

issue, including appropriate data preceding and following
1953 (e.g., weather records in Nevada and Utah, state
records on sheep losses as a function of weather, information and data on toxic plants in the area, etc.)

Estimated cost. .....-..+ +... perhaps $ 25-50K
(c) Contract with an organization or individuals to review the
entire data base pertaining to the sheep issue, including

court records and relevant data obtained since that time (e.g.,

see (b) above, experiments at PNL and CARL, the NVOO dose

assessment studies).

Estimated cost... ..










. unknown, but

(d) The Department of Justice will attempt to locate the court

records of the 1956 trial, which has never heen transcrihed.

(e) It is most important that the Department of Energy find the

original slides, especially of the thyroid, bone, bone marrow
and GI tract, made from tissue sections of the sheep in 1953.

Samples were sent to PNL and CARL.
Estimated cost ......





+ unknown, but probably 0

(Inquiries already have been initiated at PNL and AIFP.


says they "tossed" them some time ago; if true, this is most

unfortunate inasmuch as





It is with some dismay that I note that the Offsite Dose Assessment
studies have been reduced from roughly $1M in FY 1981 to $SO0K in
FY 1982 in response to a FY 1982 field request of $1395K. This was

not discussed with me, and I think that the response of NV, the
Advisory Group and other interested parties can easily be


I was surprised to see this.

Bruce W. kKachholz

Select target paragraph3