402068 OPERATIONS PLAN MISSION NO. 10 FY 1979 RONGELAP AND UTIRIK BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Brookhaven National Laboratory has performed in-vivo counting of exposed persons from Rongelap and Utirik for many years as part of an overall surveillance effort. Additionally, they have monitored the air with wind generators, collected other environmental samples from cisterns, and performed dietary studies. If, DESCRIPTION OF MISSION Travel to Rongelap and Utirik aboard the Liktanur II to perform whole body counting on about 121 persons from Rongelap and 97 from Utirik. Simulataneously a diet study, urine sampling and wind generator repairs will be performed, Also it is anticipated that the Marshall Islands Government will have a representative on board the Liktanur II to make payments to persons who have per diem claims under the now expired DOE-TTPI Agreement EY~76-A-28-3159. A strong effort will be made to present the DOE position on radiation related matters which continuously cause anxiety and misunderstandings. JifT. RESPONSIBILITIES The Party Chief for this voyage is Robert Miltenberger of BNL who is responsible for the technical direction of the WBC, bioassay and environmental sampling. Harry Brown, DOE/PASO, will serve as coordinator for BNL among and between the people of Rongelap and Utirik and also the Liktanur ITI personnel. In addition he is designated as Departmental Representative and spokesman. He will also insure that advance notification is made to appropriate M.I. government officials as well as to the people of Rongelap and Utirik as to the intent of the mission. He will also engage the services of a translator who will accompany the team to each atoll. ‘ REPOSITORY Poe IC AQQ COLLECTION ) ate [ bf BOX No. FOLDER no Fou Nee S21, . Luca dasid Profil pit ty CD yw Tay ry m4