

SEP 29 1978

VAD R. R. Monroe, USN

Defense Nuclear Agency

Washington, D.C.



Dear Admiral Monroe:

This’ is a followup to your recent cail to Dr. Liverman and

our subsequent telephone conversation about the delay in
planting coconut trees on the Northern Islands of Inewetak.
A copy of the August 16 TWX to NV in response to the Avsust 9

TWX that relayed the H&N question is’ enclosed.

We do not

recommend planting any coconuts on the Northern Islands this
planting season.

We have made an island-by-island comparison of the cesiv
concentration in iEnevetak. soil as

contained in the NVO-140

report and the cesium and strontium concentrations in
soil of Bikini and Mneu Islands.
All the Northern Is
at Enewetak Atoll exceed the Bikini and Enev Islands


We are concerned about a second problen wi th the coconuts
which deals with the amount of contamination in the copra
. products.
Some studies of this problem are just besinning.
LLL will be studying where the cesium goes in samples -that
are run through a copra processing plant.
We caunot reconmmené planting coconuts wntil we are certain the contamination

will not become a problem for commercial utilization of copra
Yherefore, we believe it is not prudent to sian
on planting coconuts in the Northern Islands this growing


The enclosed table contains recommendations on the islands which
can be planted.
We will cooperate in any way possible with the

staff study that is wderway as a result of your TWX of Sept. 25,
1978, in examining possible alternative locations for planting
the coconuts.


Select target paragraph3