ARSE UNITED 3 R ATOMIC ENERGY (lON HISSICoh eFC. Roule oe ge ~~Té ir, W. Be Requallés 71 HBR tien laberatery Rec| ‘PWR [CEA tw)| — SAR FRANCIS TO OPEL NATIONS OFEICE — Signed {{EOL | etd Berkley, Califoraia | Tae Seseets MMITOEDNS Fecenx iLOY¥ | et ~~ NOG i EIN i as | _sBEST COPYAVAILABLE - a1 MLS } poy : Retura ta Cae LB see thfgai. PIV r ve THO yer ha . , . . 4 . . . . . wegot ~ a : a) . . wos on 4 . fata dt ‘ . Jats ™. meee “Seecifieally, ‘the desired neaourenents'are;gan.dose jrates way concentrations...Anyoth ee oe 4 74 Oe . mo, ‘ . . oan 12 pe 53 sere ere vee Ww PEO EES i. dpe Rg‘2. f woe . a , " v 7 ae s 4 Raa Hey * one te 5 ag nseeeri “ Rai typ ~‘ -"3 My lat Woo aye “o, Gey “ and aE li 5 lap a ' Wee Boye tt . / We will appreciate receiving yourreply : . SMG oo £3. tee va — at poe Di. sok Me re t * , use. Weather Bureeu ,would Woue beeoeme — i, — . . = . HMBBe Ls tee a cle 7d , - ok a We oD ag 8008 + =e os es pi PURpale OF PAS a he: eTPy eS 5 , we eat nad - ., . “Lt as‘pesesible, Peto s ee a. + ae : | oh Sincerelyyours, aga) ed oe r ‘ da OK RE. C. Shute _~. PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL REMOVED Deputy Manager Bek / :