
Wedinesday, April 9,,1975 Honolulu Star-Bulletin




“After.20.Years |












‘orryy Islanders.
aaall‘those still in* the’ ” _gualified doctors be

“From generation to
generation we went -without worrying about anything,”” said the mayor of

womb:at the time of the ~based on Rongelaptopro‘vide daily medical serv- :



tiny Rongelap Island in <- HE SAID the United




States deported a.Japa- — —Radiation experts and-

- Micronesia.

nese. medical team that. ‘medical doctors, preferably including some from

Then in 1954 the United

‘States set off H-bomb “had been invited by ‘theBravo on Bikini, and the © people to conduct physical
radioactive fallout drifted examinations.
Anjian would like toand fell dike snow on Ron’ geiap and its 86 residents. - send four or five of his
people to Japanese docSince then, said Mayor
tors in Hiroshima to be
Netson Angian, *‘We
worry all the time. We- “examined.
~ are worried about our ~ “In.a petition to ‘the

lives and we don’t know

Secretary General of .the

what is happening.”’

Hiroshima, survey Ron-

gelap andissue individual

-—The Atomic Commission no longer be permitted to use the people of
Rongelap and adjacent
Utirik as “guinea pigs”

for their bomb-related re-

‘United Nations and the _ Search.
‘United Nations Trustee-

Anjian said his people
shave appealed time and .. Ship Council, Anjian is

-again to the United States
for adequate medical
: eare. American doctors
visit the island and exam-



asking that:


“vive:today, Anjian said.
. ONLY 35 of those ex- . ~’ He said the population
‘posed to the radiation: sure “of: Rongelap is now .200,

‘ine the people twice a

-year now rather than

ieee-wand that they want to stay


«with the current adminisc tration of the Trust Terri. tory.

times a -week,”’ he said,

*. .He said -money on Ron. gelap is: noproblem. “In
three months we ‘can
“ make .20 to 25‘tons~-of
«. copra. “From the sale of

cannot be eaten every ;



“THEY TELL us to eat
coconut crab only three

but do not explain why it ©



*. pandanus,- fish and shell. fish, he said.

He said he has 9-chil ©
‘, dren, and earns about
$1,000 a year, which is
» enough to support his wife

and family.


-For 27 years he worked

© why.”

on Kwajalein as a carpen-

- Anjian said 19 persons

“ter, and returned to his

_ have died in Mainland

* native island a little over
a year ago.

hospitals of leukemia,

. “but we deg't know why

- they die on ongelap.’’.
‘Many of the people -of
his island havehad surgery for thyroid tumors,
he said, including all
‘ those that were children’

copra, the people buy im-

ported rice, flour, sugar

-’ and kerosene.”’ They eat.

“We don’t eat it at all
now. We are afraid,” he
. Said.
“They say don't worry.
Don’t question the doctor,” he said, ‘‘and they
give the people pills. We .
don't know what for or


‘Nelson Anjian


_ “Don’t talk to me about


~" money,” he said.
'. “Money is nothing. My _
life is important.
“The life of my people
is important.’’

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