
‘Che rare variants. --In Table 2 we have summarized not anly our

eum findines but ulso the results of all the other studies of xare
vactants of 24 systems

iu the Literature.

to locate

Any effort to treat "rare'-variants involves same

aicbitrary decistons;
at this time.

in Micronesians which we huve been able

no approach is apt to find universal acceptance

We exclude from this summary any variant which for the

totality of the representatives of the population studied to date, occurs
in more than 2.0% of the group (one of the conventional definitions of
a polymorphism).

By this definition of rare variant, we exclude from

the tabulation the polymorphisms involving types 3 and 7 of the PCM
system reported by Blake et al (12)

in the Western Caroline Islands,

and the polymorphism for the type 2 of phosphoglycerate kinase reported
by these same authors.

This same convention willrequire us to eliminate

fiom the summary of rare variants in Amerindians (see below)

the Yanomama-2

variant of albumin, a variant thus far, encountered in a single tribe,
but there with a gene frequency of 0.08.

In sampling populations where

rather close biological relationships between individuals can scarcely
be avoided, it is well to remember that even in samples of -1000, a variant
limited tu inembers of a single extended kindred may asyume the proportions
of a polymorphism as here defined.

In the case of the variants excluded

from the Micronesia count, a variant with the electrophoretic mobility
of Lype 7 PGM,


has bean encountered at several localities in the Far East,

avd it seems likely this is a "widespread" polymorphism.

However, the

same cannot be said for the variant with the mobility of PCM, -3 or
the variant with the mobility of PGK-2.

They may be “private'" poly-

Lf£.further gtudles in Micronesia revealed these. alleles

Select target paragraph3