Intake estimates and dose equivalent. Adult average values for activity
ingestion rate on day of return were calculated for all nuclides at Rongelap,
Utirik, or Bikini. This information was used to estimate adult body—burden

histories based on the assumption of declining continuous intake or increasing

The declining continuous intake equation provided us with a smooth bodyburden function for Rongelap and Utirik adults. The equation was a tool to
provide retroactive body-burden estimates during the early years post-return
to Utirik.
Few direct measurements were made at this time.

Biological variation and errors in the collection and analysis of urine

samples introduced larger errors in body-burden estimates §han did direct

whole-body counting.

These variations result in indirect

body burden deviating widely from the hypothetical curve.

Sr measurements of

In contrast the

137 ¢6 results fit the curve closely.
The method use to fit the data was not chosen to minimize the weighted

sum of squares of deviations of the body-burden estimates. Instead average
values of initial intake Fase were selected to represent all the body-burden
For Rongelap, the
Cs body burdens varied from the fitted int gke

function by a maximum factor of 1.7 and an average factor of 1.4; the
body burdens varied from the fitted intake function by a maximum factor of 3
and an average factor of 1.6.
These factors reflect the quality of fit for
directly measured body burdens and urine-derived body burdens in general.

The integral intake for 50 years and the committed effective dose

equivalent were derived quantities which depended on knowledge of the fitted

intake function for each population. The 50-yr interval chosen for internal
intake represented the years 1957-2007 for Rongelap residents. For Utirik
residents, the 50-yr interval represented the years 1954-2004. The committed

effective dose equivalent was based on this cumulated intake.

integral intake was for a 4.5 year period, 1974-1978,

At Bikini the

For the nuclide 1376, an age dependent retention function was

incorporated into the fitted intake function.

In the estimate of adult

committed efféctive dose equivalent a body mass of 60 kg was used based on 28

years of adult body mass measurements.

Declining Continuous Intake
Increasing Intake

Retention vs Age

Body Mass


Select target paragraph3